Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Shooting schedule
Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th - film the narrative scene (morning) - Actors will only be available at this time.
Monday 21st - film singing scene, soon to be edited with half of body.
...Note:- Make sure I film clean plate when filming singing scene!
Locations and Permission
I have permission to use the media rooms from school staff, my permission also allows me to work after college. I have 2 rooms to film in.
Audience Research

(Click image to make larger)
From this research I have established many possible improvements, these will be taken into account for my storyboard final draft. I did my research based on different ages to get a wide range of views and both genders. I also obtained feedback from media students and others that do not study media, this allowed for views from people who do not necessarily know anything about the lesson. The reason for asking about favourite music genre is because I wanted to know whether they listen to a similar music genre to my music video, this is important as they may not have ever seen a video from my genre meaning that their knowledge is limited about this particular style.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Camera Angle Decisions
Friday, 11 September 2009

This drum will be used in the band scene - when the Bass beat is heard

This guitar will also be used in the band scene and will probably be the first image scene by the audience.

This phone will be used in the narrative scene when the text appears, my specification states that the phone must be pink to make it clear that the woman is recieving the text.
My music video will contain numerous different settings and events; the first of these I wish to include is a small room. The scene in the confined room will contain 1 man, initially you only see the head, this will then progress to a long shot which reveals his body, his body will have the bottom half removed, and this will be unusual and abstract. As well as this I want to include band scenes, where the band are either live or in session and in a recording studio or a similar room, the surrounding will be vibrant colours and the cuts will be quick between the band scene and the abstract scene.
As well as these scenes there will be a narrative, which will include a woman receiving a text from a lover and her boyfriend seeing it, this will hopefully fit in time with the lyrics ‘What’s his name and where’s he from?’. The aim of the narrative scene is to break up the other aspects.
I hope to use various different editing techniques to create effects, for example I would like to use split screen for the narrative and band scenes to mix up each feature of my video. The man which has only half a body will be created using a masking tool on adobe after effects. If the masking tool looks good I would also like to move my editing skills forward into creating a scene in which the man’s legs are running round without his top half.
Website analysis

The killers’ website is a simple design using the bands logo as the main focus, the entire layout of the page is similar to a motel road sign on route 66, the sign with the killers’ logo at the peak uses an L.E.D style to spell out the letters.
The additional information on the sign includes tour dates which are under the title, ‘upcoming pre-sales’ the bands layout may be reflective of their current American tour. Each of the menu options at the top are unusual and do not follow the conventional menu options, they use ‘the road’ instead of ‘tour dates’, this helps with the American related semantic field. Other menu options which follow this feature are ‘sweet talk’ and ‘the victims’ both referring to their online chat and fan club.
The background image follows the ‘route 66’ style that they are trying to portray, they use various terrain and which is plain and dull, the mountains blend into the background as closer to the camera are closed off fields, the sand covers most of the image and the plain colours help the main image stand out (the sign).

This website, design, for the 'All-american rejects' is alot more conventional, it uses a normal banner which includes an image of the band and their name, the image of them is of the band in session recording a single - this creates connotations of creativity. The website includes all of the usual information that you expect on a bands website but there are some differences, there is a feature called 'rejects TV' which is a youtube style feature, there are various videos of the band on tour, this may be a good idea for my website as there are videos about, the only issue with this would be copyright.
Down the left hand side of the screen it includes all of their tour dates, normal menu tabs are also used, for example; news, tours, music and photos.
Additional news is posted down the centre of the page with the additional features to the left, the page scrolls down for about 4 screens due to the amount on it. The mainly interactive website is plain with a simple image in the background, the sentence 'the world comes down', the title of one of their albums and the bands tagline, this is also repeated in the banner.
Album cover analysis

This is typical of traditional album covers, it uses detailed album artwork which when vinyl records were used the larger covers would allow for this. The Darkness use the artwork as the focus of the cover to attract, the title of the album is tucked away at the bottom of the screen.
The Darkness logo is adapted to suit the semantic field surrounding the album, the devil tail serif adds to the meaning through the use of graphology. The vibrant colours and individuality of the cover will help customers in record stores spot the album. The cover, unusually has no band relation - by this I mean that there are no images of the band itself.

This album cover is very simple in its design, also it a huge contrast to the first album, the images of the band is used with a plane black and white colour scheme. The black and white image is used as the album name, 'inside in, inside out' is accentuated with the use of red. The band name, 'the kooks' is embedded in the album name in the large blank white space allowing browsers to see it clearly.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Genre research
Indie pop is according to various sources is a form of alternative rock, the bands tend to have an appeal to a younger audience with the odd one or two breaking off and appealing to an older audience, they generally aren’t synthetic and adopt an organic fresh approach to music. It is only since the 80’s that these type of bands have been snapped up by record labels.
The genre has aspects of punk, giving the bands a slight edge. The punk factor is evident in the band I have chosen, 1984s band image is modern and has features of punk. The genre has mainly originated in the UK and USA but has influences in Australia and Newzealand.
Razorlight are a good example of a similar modern band around currently.

Industry research
My chosen band – 1984
Indie/ rock/ pop band according to their own classification of themselves
Unsigned and organic
3 sources of information for this band –
Here’s an old video of the band live to give an idea of the type of gigs they perform
Bands similar to mine make their way through social networking sites, the most famous and biggest in recent times to make their way into the industry independently is probably Lily Allen. The accessability to new and modern bands over social networking allows for more interaction with fans and a can open up new forms of communication with audiences. The free nature of the social networking sites also allows for new genres to break through that are neither mainstream or for the masses. The ‘myspace’ era of music has helped increase sales of music despite an increase in illegal downloads, most bands similar to my own tend to use online downloading of songs as a key tool for promotion, even often giving away tracks for free to promote. One statistic from ‘http://gizmodo.com/5133065/95-of-music-downloads-are-pirated’ states that 95% of music downloads are pirated and only 5% of them are actuallt bought, though the statistic may not be trusted as there is no real way to judge this, the music buisness itself, from downloads made $3.7 billion in 2008.
The industry has tried to move forward with the times by adapting to the market, for example sites like napster have boomed and the recent forming of the online site ‘spotify’ creates most of its revenue through advertising products and promoting bands music. Other ways in which the bands in this industry have promoted themselves is through youtube, the availability of media creation tools has allowed bands to self produce music videos and promotional devices over the internet, sites like youtube have become increasingly important to independent bands due to large record labels in the UK not renewing the contract with youtube due to complications in finance. The breakdown of this contract has allowed independent bands to take centre stage.